Research Assistance from Librarians

Research assistance is available at the main service points in the Owen and Holland/Terrell Libraries. You may also find on-demand assistance through in-person and online services listed on our Ask Us page.

Your subject librarian will be able to provide research support specific to your area of research. For in-depth assistance, please contact your subject librarian or schedule an appointment.

What We Offer:

  • On-demand research and information support for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community members.
  • Assistance tracking down tricky citations.
  • Individual and small-group research consultations to explore research topics and discuss research strategies.
  • Research guidance and support for students working on theses, dissertations, capstone projects, systematic reviews, and other projects.
  • Support measuring and presenting information about the impact of your research.
  • Support showcasing your work in WSU’s institutional repository, Research Exchange.
  • Support learning and using reference management tools like Endnote and Zotero.
  • Online research guides, tutorials, and more.