Finding Home: My Transformative Journey at WSU
At first, WSU was not in the cards for me.
My grandparents, uncle, and both of my parents attended WSU; my parents even met here.
But this seemed too forced at the time, and I wanted to be different.

Eventually, my dad convinced me to visit, and I agreed, partly to please him. At the time, I didn’t know Pullman was going to be my future home for the next four years.
I fell in love with this campus, the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication, and the small-town feel. It finally made sense why my family attended WSU.
Growing up, my passion leaned towards writing, mainly creatively. When I first attended orientation at the Murrow College, I saw myself there in the endless opportunities it offered.
Since then, I’ve found my place in this community. I am an active member of Greek Life and the Crimson Creative public relations firm, as well as a Boeing Scholar. I also studied abroad in Florence, Italy, and became a Browse newsletter intern for the WSU Libraries.
As a public relations major, I’ve built my communications skills through the opportunities provided by WSU. As a Browse intern, I’ve made countless connections and grown my interpersonal skills.
Interviewing library students, staff, and alumni gave me the chance to showcase the libraries through their eyes. The libraries became an outlet for me to talk to, learn from, and tell the stories of their wide array of departments, people, and history.
I’ve found the journalism skills I developed as a Browse intern will translate into my career. Working with different types of people and learning how to showcase the libraries showed me that there are inspiring stories everywhere.
As I approach graduation, I feel a sense of both loss and gratitude. This community provided me with countless connections and opportunities that have shaped me into the person I am today. With those resources, I plan to move to Portland this summer and begin a career in the sales industry.