WSU Libraries Seek Student and Faculty Feedback on Service Quality
LibQUAL+ 2012
WSU Libraries Seek Student and Faculty Feedback on Service Quality
On November 2, 2012, a randomly selected group of Washington State University undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty will receive an email message from the Dean of Libraries, inviting them to participate in a web-based survey designed to measure library service effectiveness from the perspective of the library user.
The results of this survey will be used in establishing priorities for the WSU Libraries. The combination of local survey results with those of other participating research libraries will allow the WSU Libraries to identify “best practices” in providing service to the WSU community.
Jay Starratt, Dean of Libraries, says to those invited to participate, “You are part of a random sample chosen to represent all WSU students and faculty. A strong response rate is very important to the accuracy of this survey.” Invitation notices will be sent to email addresses in the WSU campus online directory.
Incentive to participate will also be provided. A randomly selected participant from WSU respondents will receive an I-Pad 2.
The survey, called LibQUAL+, is a large-scale, user-based library service effectiveness tool developed by Texas A&M University in conjunction with the Association of Research Libraries. The Washington State University Libraries participated in a LibQUAL+ pilot study conducted in 2001, and have continued to use this tool on a regular basis to measure library user opinions, with the goal of providing excellent service and support for the WSU community. For more information about LibQUAL+, visit
CONTACT: Steve Borrelli, Assessment Team Leader,, (509) 335-8628